Sometime in the last week of January, myself and two of my online friends (who all happen to share the same name) spoke about doing a "challenge" where we each run 12 new tabletop roleplaying gamess, one per month, totaling in 36 different RPGs by the end of the year. Well, we almost immediately weren't able to fulfill our goals in February, but I've been fortunate to have the opportunity to run three different tabletop games so far in the last three months: DnD 5E in January, Old School Essentials in February, and then Dialect in March. Of course, I've played and ran DnD 5E for a long time, so it doesn't count towards the challenge-- but I'm bending the rules a bit to include the one other brand-new game I did manage to play this February and letting that take over my January slot. I figured I'd give my impressions of each of the games here, because I'm long overdue on blog posting and I need to stop playing War Thunder.
So, Game #1: The Quiet Year (By Avery Adler of Buried Without Ceremony).
The Quiet Year is a collective (gm-less) storytelling game by a dev which I had never heard of until I looked up The Quiet Year's webpage just now. The Quiet year's basic pitch is a mapmaking game where you explore the lives of a community who has survived the apocalypse, over the course of one year, until the arrival of the "Frost Shepherds" at the end of the year, which is the end of the game.
A deck of 52 cards is used to stimulate each week of the year, with each card triggering certain events, and each event being a reflection of the seasons. I played this game with three others in-person over the course of about three hours-- I was not the owner of the game (they had printed a pdf, put it in a nice booklet, and facilitated our experience). It was an interesting experience-- mechanically simple and sound, and a fun way to build a map-- perhaps for another game? My group kept the tone pretty light with echoes of darkness, but I think a more well-acquainted group well-versed in these sorts of games could explore some really emotional subjects with this game-- which is what I like about it. I'd definitely play again, and it may be worth buying the pdf for myself.
Game #2: Old-School Essentials (By Gavin Norman of Necrotic Gnome).
Old-School Essentials is definitely my favorite new game I've played in a while-- although in some ways, it's not really a new game. If you're in the TTRPG community and either have not expanded out from D&D 5E, don't play fantasy TTRPGs, or live under a rock, you may not have heard of Old-School Essentials-- but I'm grievously late to the party on this game. OSE's basic game is a restatement (magnificentophat has jammed into my brain that it's not a retro clone) of the Basic/Expert rules of DnD, specifically the 1981 Moldvay rules. Along the way, they've clarified some rules and formatted things splendidly within the print copies (and probably the digital copies) so that no paper is wasted, every character class is on a two-page spread, and a multitude of other improvements enough to make any layout lover like myself drool.
Dialect is another great wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey storytelling game in a vaguelys imilar vein to The Quiet Year, in that it's gm-less (though I facilitated), takes you through the rise and fall of an isolated community, and has great potential for intimate and emotional storytelling. Dialect in specific focuses on that isolated community's language, how their lingo and vernacular shapes and changes the community and their perception of the world around them, and how it dies with the community. It is a super cool game facilitated by a series of index cards signifying the different eras of the community, and a great set of backdrops and game cards to guide the experience. I'll leave the play report to the same epic friend who wrote those little snippets for our OSE game.
"tonight [dhole] and [other person] , and I sat down to play [Dialect], a game for emulating the evolution & death of the common tongue of an isolated community:
we inhabited the messy history of a group of Netizens who are normal EXCEPT!!! any computer they operate can run the chat client, **synecdoche**.
the game let us establish other commonalities; the community believes all outsiders live in permanent miscommunication; **synecdoche** itself has been operating since the earliest days of computer communication; the death rate of its users is 300% normal; the community recently tried a takeover of the real-world city of Austin, TX before being gunned into hiding again.
table set, onto the meat of the game: in each round us players all drew a prompt each, to create a word unique to users of **synecdoche**. these typically ended up being a meme or in-joke particular to the community, i.e.:
* 'dad' meaning dead, see also 'daddy' or 👨🍼
* #gravegoods 🎂 when a member dies under non-mystery circumstances, often celebrated /accompanied by footage of their normal death
* 'boot'ing someone is sending them a piece of custom text that permanently kicks them from the system, a new and unprecedented social tool with a destabilizing effect
we proceeded to play out the arguments, anxieties, and ultimate bad endings of three characters, one to each of us apiece:
* my character succor-witch (#ihardlyknowor7743), a fifty something old guard Austin homeowner who wants to get the community offline & offers safe haven for lost synecdochers
* [dhole's] @.twice_broken_clock, a no-nonsense coder from the Balkans trying hold the line against the cruel mainstream culture
* [other person's] WeRthe99, an agitator or agitators pushing to expand the reach of **synecdoche**
ultimately, succor-witch died on the way to try to break her normie wife out of prison, who was scooped up in a raid, after twice_broken's global message of understanding and tolerance was ignored by mass culture's stopped-up ears during a wave of international scrutiny towards the mysterious internet subculture. WeRthe99's legion is left to pick up the pieces as **synecdoche** itself is regurgitated as a glorified magical slack channel under the new ownership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. broken blows up her hacker compound and wanders out into the wilderness that is the real world."
Jill De Haan for Thorny Games
Doesn't this game sound awesome? I sure felt so. Really good stuff. Would definitely play again.
That's all for these months, folks. Not sure what's coming up in the next few months, but hopefully I don't break my wallet trying to do this challenge.